Traditional training approaches and methods are increasingly under pressure because of heavier workloads, more responsibilities, longer hours, outdated training policies and unprofessional trainers.  Sep has been specializing in strategies to counter the impact of these trends by re-emphasising training as a learning event that needs to be optimized.  This is achieved by linking training to organisational change, involving line management in innovative ways, following a disciplined approach in the development of a learning event and applying the principles of adult learning when creating the training design.
People are engaged in different kinds of relationships.  Even in the workplace a variety of relationships are distinguishable, such as the relationship with a co-worker, the superior-subordinate relationship and the casual relationship. Sep has coined the phrase professional relationship which could involve the relationship between people from various functions/disciplines on the same project team or the relationship between a contractor and a project manager.  A professional relationship could also involve external stakeholders such as clients, vendors and community leaders.
To engage in a professional relationship a certain level of competency is required.  Sep is currently involved in the presentation of a programme to build this competence.  Consultants, project leaders, engineers and commercial staff can benefit from this programme.

Capacity building in a complex project environment
PDF document
Competency Development
PDF document

Mapping a Transformation from a Traditional to an Entrepreneurial Organisation
PDF Presentation

Presentation done on 2 July 2007, Prague
European Psychological Convention